GB organic milk production put at 493m litres in 2020/21

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

By Chris Gooderham

We estimate organic milk production in GB to have been around 493 million litres in 2020/21. This is the first year of data that we’ve been able to collate, and will set the base for future comparisons.

Initial estimates for April 2021 put organic production at 45.3 million litres. That would be just 0.4m litres (-0.8%) lower than April last year.

It should be noted that these numbers are provisional. We have started to estimate GB organic milk production as part of our weekly survey of the largest milk buyers. The volumes are scaled up based on other available data, including the official Defra organic report. The aim over the coming weeks is to start publishing daily deliveries data for GB organic milk along the lines of the current overall daily deliveries information.

Image of staff member Chris Gooderham

Chris Gooderham

Science and Environment Director

See full bio

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