UK pig population: further decline for the female breeding herd
Tuesday, 17 December 2024
The latest Defra figures show that the overall pig population stood at 4.72 million head as of 1 June 2024.
Key points
- Small year-on-year increase in the overall pig population driven by fattening pig numbers
- Breeding herd numbers fall for the third year in a row
- Scotland has seen the largest change in pig numbers year-on-year.
The small year-on-year increase of 0.7% (32,000 head) seen in the overall UK pig population has been driven by an uplift in the number of fattening pigs. At 4.30 million head, fattening pig numbers have grown just shy of 1% (40,000 head) year-on-year but remain significantly lower than the 10-year average.
However, the female breeding herd recorded a loss for the third consecutive year, back 11,000 head (3.1%) to 327,000 head as of 1 June 2024. Half of this decline was driven by a fall in the number of gilts in pig, with other sows (those either being suckled or dry sows kept for further breeding) also recording significant losses. Sows in pig saw a smaller decline.
Boars being used for service also fell for the third year in a row.
On the contrary, gilts intended for first time breeding grew by 4,000 head (4.6%), offsetting some of the decline. This has resulted in total breeding pig numbers standing at 421,000 head, a 1.7% loss (7,000 head) compared to the same point in 2023.
UK pig population at 1 June
Source: Defra
When splitting the figures by country, Scotland has seen the largest change in pig numbers year-on-year.
Overall, England accounts for 78% of the UK’s total pig population with Northern Ireland holding a 15% share and Scotland holding 7%. Wales accounts for less than 1% of the UK pig population.
Over the last five years, these splits have stayed relatively stable, with Northern Ireland gaining a 2% share and England easing 2%.
UK pig population split by country
Source: Defra
Please note that these figures are based on a sample survey: UK Agriculture departments June Survey/Census of Agriculture. As such, the data is subject to a degree of sampling error and does not take into account other sources of survey errors, such as non-response bias. To download the dataset or view the survey methodology please visit the Defra webpage.

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