Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL) review (2022–2023)
Find out about the latest Recommended Lists (RL) review that aims to improve the variety trialling project.
RL review (about)
It is important to review the RL periodically to ensure it continues to meet the evolving requirements of its users.
Typically, the main RL project runs in five-year phases, with a large-scale public review conducted during each project phase.
During the previous project phase (2016–21), AHDB conducted the ‘Look Ahead’ review. This highlighted the importance of the whole variety package, rather than the more traditional focus on yields. In response, the RL changed the way it assessed many traits, including disease resistance and lodging traits. It also led to the development of digital formats to provide powerful ways to use RL data, such as through the RL app and variety selection tools.
Find out about the Look Ahead review results
RL investment
In spring 2022, AHDB conducted Shape the future, where levy payers were asked to rank AHDB work priorities in terms of importance to the cereals and oilseeds sector (from 1 to 5, where 1 is low and 5 is high).
RL information was the highest-rated work for cereal and oilseeds. It received a score of 4.2. It attracted the same score whether weighted (reflecting size of business) or unweighted (one levy payer, one vote).
Developed in response to the Shape the future results, the AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds sector plan outlines three priorities for levy investment over the next five years (2022–27). The RL forms a major component of priority one. The plan includes a pledge to conduct a major RL review during the current project phase (2021–27).
Read the AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds sector plan
RL review timeline
AHDB started the major review on 28 November 2022, with over 900 people providing views. Most people responded via a questionnaire, which was posted with the first (winter) edition of the RL 2023/24 booklet and published online.
The RL review questionnaire (closed)
Around three-quarters of responses were from farmers, demonstrating their passion for varieties and this coordinated network of variety trials. More detailed discussions took place at several events, including online focus groups (aimed at farmers and agronomists) and stakeholder interviews (aimed at the wider supply chain). Initial findings were published in spring 2023.
Hundreds take part in the Recommended Lists (RL) review
The results are informing the next phase of the review, which involves planning and costing the actions required to improve the RL over the short, medium, and long term.
RL review committee
A dedicated RL review steering committee has been established to lead the project and provide recommendations to AHDB on potential improvements to the RL.
Patrick Stephenson, independent crop consultant, AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds sector council member and chair of the RL wheat crop committee, has been appointed to lead the review steering committee. Patrick said:
"This review looks forward and aims to keep the RL robust in the face of numerous challenges facing the industry. With constraints on budgets and small-plot trials, it is not possible to do everything. However, the review will help us focus activity."
Delivering the future of farming event
Watch Cereal & Oilseeds sector council members discuss the RL review
RL review news
More RL review news
RL changes afoot? An article in the July 2024 edition of CPM
RL review update at the 2023 Agronomy Conference
Recommended refinement (RL review article in CPM)
Podcast explores Recommended Lists (RL) review results
Hundreds take part in the Recommended Lists (RL) review
Read about the RL review in CPM magazine
RL contact information
For specific RL enquiries, contact:
Please contact the RL team to find out about other oppportunities to get involved with the review process.