22 May 2018
A score card explaining why it is important to review the herd's cleanliness together with pictorial examples.
22 May 2018
A summary of recent research projects on health, welfare and nutrition and on soils, forge and grassland completed following two five-year research partnerships with leading universities and research institutes.
22 January 2019
This booklet includes information on our research programme as well as related products and services to to ensure have access to the most up to date advice possible.
19 October 2020
A guide about the key areas to consider when purchasing stock including potential diseases, isolation, tests and treatments.
9 August 2018
A paper setting out the context and brackground to Optimal Dairy Systems looking at the merits of all year round and block calving systems, the impact on the supply chain and key performance indicators.
22 May 2018
A report analysing dairy business performance including costs, milk prices and margins as well as GB cost of production against other countries worldwide and productivity compared with European farms.
22 May 2018
An overview of housing systems including cubicles and straw yards.
22 May 2018
A guide to ventilation for dairy cows buildings covering outlet and inlet ventilation and roof designs.
22 May 2018
An overview of building construction and design including costs, building types and adapting existing buildings.
22 May 2018
A guide to example building layouts straw yards, two and three row cubicles systems, calf and youngstock buildings.
22 May 2018
An overview of the requirements for dairy housing and the range of available systems.