Grassland Management
3 April 2020
Farmers are encouraged to review their nutrient management plan to optimise grassland productivity this harvest season.
15 April 2020
Silage slippage decreases the nutritional and hygienic value of silage and causes significant wastage but each and every year the issue is seen on farms. Join us for a webinar with Dave Davies looking at clamp silage
16 April 2020
Join AHDB Beef and Lamb and Dr Liz Genever, Independent beef and sheep consultant, for a webinar on getting the most out of your permanent pasture.
27 March 2020
The cost of a lost grazing day to businesses is an important calculation, even for experienced grazing managers.
27 March 2020
Waterlogged swards need a kick-start this season. Grazing managers who rely on their usual fertiliser rates could see disappointing growth rates. Paddocks that were flooded, or severely waterlogged, over winter need rejuvenation, followed by higher nitrogen and sulphur applications.
27 March 2020
Farmers who took part in the AHDB Beef and Lamb-funded project, Beef from Grass, have seen fantastic results through implementing rotational grazing into their systems, with some trialling outwintering.
19 March 2021
Milk urea may increase after turnout due to the high levels of digestible protein in grass.
4 March 2021
With a challenging start to the grazing season, it’s worth remembering three-leaf theory when faced with any difficult decisions.
24 March 2020
Join AHDB Beef and Lamb and Marc Jones, from ADAS, for a webinar discussing the findings of the beef from grass project.
13 March 2020
Did you know that moving from set stocking to paddock grazing can almost double grass yield from an average usable yield of 4.3 t DM/ha to 8.2 t DM/ha Utilisation increases to around 80%, but is the hassle of moving fences worth it? If
6 January 2025
Assessing the sward, soil and infrastructure after flooding will be key to getting grazing and silage areas growing in 2020.
15 April 2020
For Suffolk dairy farmer Jonny Crickmore, cutting concentrate use from 11.0–12.0 kg/cow/day to 8.5 kg/cow/day this winter (1 October 2019 to 31 January 2020) has contributed to a saving of £30,000 on bought-in feed.