Contents tagged with Analyst Insight

3 September 2020

We often talk about the relationship between rapeseed and soyabean prices in Grain Market Daily, because soyabeans represent almost 87% of the world’s export trade in oilseeds. This means soyabean supply, demand and prices impact rapeseed prices.

27 August 2020

It’ll be no surprise to anyone that we are currently experiencing unprecedented circumstances in terms of wheat production in the UK. It is highly anticipated, as I mentioned last week, that the UK wheat crop will be the smallest since 1982, and potentially lower than that.

30 January 2024

We are pleased to launch the new 2020 versions of AMPE and MCVE from this month.

20 August 2020

The second harvest progress report released last Friday provided an insight into potentially putting some figures the production of crops for 2020 harvest.

20 August 2020

Recent adverse weather and precipitation will slow the rapid pace of harvest that we’ve seen in the last few weeks.

13 August 2020

With England and Scotland wheat production likely to be sub-10.2Mt, and despite opening stocks around 3.4Mt, we are facing a pretty significant deficit. In theory, we could make up much of this shortfall with imported wheat or maize. This season, in the wake of coronavirus capping ethanol demand, maize is exceedingly cheap. As a result the hole in grain for animal feed, ethanol and distilling will more than likely be filled by imported maize. This increased demand for maize is exacerbated by the tariffs set to be applied to wheat imports from January, whilst maize can be imported tariff free.

30 July 2020

Domestic wheat prices will be more exposed to global fundamentals this season following the hefty decline to UK wheat production estimates. We are likely to sit closer to import parity levels.

16 July 2020

Last week we published the results of the 2020 AHDB planting and variety survey (PVS). Unsurprisingly, estimated wheat areas were down year-on-year across all regions of GB.

30 January 2024

Our latest review of the way the indicators are calculated means some changes are proposed.

30 January 2024

A contraction in world trade, uncertain UK trading conditions, domestic consumers changing how they consume dairy and ever-challenging weather extremes. In this article we take a long-term view of what could shape the UK dairy industry over the coming years, and how to best equip ourselves to take advantage.

28 January 2021

This article focuses on the main factors that will influence the red meat sector in the coming years, particularly in light of the two major events of 2020, the coronavirus outbreak, and the upcoming deadline for Brexit.

25 June 2020

What might affect the price direction of new-crop rapeseed? With harvest rapidly approaching, let’s revisit these factors and the impact they could have.
