Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

11 June 2021

Yesterday saw the release of two key reports, both of which had the potential to cause increased volatility. In truth, neither report had much impact. The reports were the USDA world supply and demand estimates (WASDE) and the Brazilian crop production report from Conab.

13 July 2021

At the start of June, we find ourselves at a key point in the fertiliser market, with new season terms being released.

13 July 2021

Australian farmers could plant the largest area to canola (rapeseed) since 2017-18, according to the Australian government.

29 August 2024

Spring weather can indicate possible yields of our domestic wheat crop, which is expected to rebound for harvest 2021.

13 July 2021

The latest USDA crop report was published yesterday. The report shows the condition of wheat and maize crops at 30 May. Maize crops overall in the US are considered to be in a very strong position, with 76% rated “good” or “excellent”. This is the strongest position for maize crops in week 21 (week ending 30 May 2021) since 2018.

13 July 2021

UK oat stocks are predicted to rise this season, which could combine with a larger crop in 2021/22.

3 August 2021

The latest UK cereal balance sheets have been published this morning. This further highlights what has been an incredibly tight season for wheat. With exports now estimated at 180Kt, a deficit in operating stocks of 302Kt is estimated.

13 July 2021

This article is the second in a series this week on changes to crop fundamentals ahead of the third release of the AHDB balance sheet on Thursday.

13 July 2021

This article is the first in a series this week on changes to crop fundamentals ahead of the third release of the AHDB balance sheet on Thursday.

26 October 2023

The support in harvest 2022 oilseed rape (OSR) values could pose a significant incentive for growers to plant this crop this summer.

13 July 2021

UK feed wheat futures prices for Nov 2022 are still historically high, compared to other crops 15 months ahead of harvest. This brings risks but the potential for reward.

13 July 2021

Since the release of last week’s USDA world supply and demand estimates, both old and new crop global grain markets have lost a lot of ground. Part of this drop has been driven by larger than expected estimates for both old and new crop maize.
