Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

13 July 2021

As at 16 December, the EU had imported 3.4Mt of rapeseed, 57% of estimated imports this season.

13 July 2021

A combination of a softening in China - US trade relations and a slight weakening of the pound has lent support to domestic markets.

13 July 2021

This season, UK rapeseed production has fallen to its lowest level since 2004, at 1.75Mt. Furthermore, EU production also hit fresh lows and new crop prospects in both the UK and the EU look limited. With that in mind we may have expected domestic rapeseed prices to be showing more support than they presently are.

13 July 2021

Yesterday evening the USDA released the December issue of the WASDE report. Also, UK export trade data for October was released.

13 July 2021

The first of the AHDB Arable Crop Reports has highlighted the impact of the wet autumn and disrupted winter planting with delayed emergence and poor development.

13 July 2021

Poor weather in France has continued to hinder fieldwork with French farmers still lagging behind in planting winter crops.

25 March 2020

Last week’s UK delivered survey contained our first prices for oilseed rape for harvest 2020. These ranged from £314.50/t to £318.50/t depending on delivery point with Erith priced at £318.50/t.

13 July 2021

While there are some supportive factors for old crop markets, caution is required for the extent to which global markets can lift.

13 July 2021

Oat production peaked at 1,082Kt, the highest levels since the 1970’s, which has raised questions over where this season’s surplus will end up?

13 July 2021

As rain continues to fall across the UK, progress in winter plantings remains hampered. According to the Environment Agency, England received 143% of the long term average rainfall in August-October, making 2019 the third wettest year in the last 20. Furthermore, rainfall in November has totalled 101% of the long term average so far.

13 July 2021

Oilseed rape planting intentions have seen a 23% drop in area, to 406Kha, from last year.

13 July 2021

An early recording of GB planting intentions for the 2020 harvest suggests a sharp fall in winter crops, largely because of the extremely wet weather throughout the autumn planting window.
