Contents tagged with lameness

26 March 2024

From spotting the first signs to treating the disease, our advice will help you to manage all aspects of footrot.

29 September 2020

Find out how and when to treat infected sheep to reduce lameness.

1 March 2024

Find out when to cull, or when to quarantine, infected sheep to reduce the spread of disease.

8 October 2020

Find out how to prevent this infectious disease and treat it quickly if it occurs.

1 March 2024

Find out how the five-point plan can help to reduce the number of new clinical cases of lameness.

30 June 2021

Find out about the main causes of lameness to help you to identify, prevent and treat disease.

2 October 2020

Understanding what a healthy foot looks like is the first step to keeping lameness levels low.

29 September 2020

Find out how to monitor the impact and keep lameness levels low.

1 March 2024

Find out how to identify, treat and prevent lameness in your flock.

30 September 2020

There are quite a few different treatments and protocols for treating lame sheep. If you haven’t already, talk to your vet about creating a plan of action to devise the most appropriate treatments tailored for your flock’s disease problems and circumstances

24 November 2021

Transmission of digital dermatitis between dairy cows
