Contents tagged with RB209

31 March 2023

A root test could help you decide whether to apply late nitrogen to milling wheat.

22 March 2023

High excess winter rainfall has implications for nitrogen management

22 March 2023

Findings from nitrogen and sulphur trials on oats are available in a new research report.

22 March 2023

Findings from nitrogen and sulphur trials on milling wheat are available in a new research report.

22 March 2023

Imagine a world where you can hit grain protein specifications with nitrogen rates closer to a conventional feed wheat fertiliser regime.

26 May 2022

Find out about a low-cost, rapid nutrient test under development at Rothamsted Research.

18 March 2022

At what point should you quit chasing extra wheat protein?

16 September 2022

With fertiliser prices sky rocketing, what can farmers and agronomists do?

11 June 2024

Learn about our investment in nutrient research.

7 September 2022

Accounting for fertiliser and grain/oilseed prices, it calculates the adjustment in the amount of nitrogen to apply to cereals and/or oilseeds crops.

30 October 2023

Accounting for fertiliser and feed prices, it calculates the cost benefit of applying nitrogen to grassland.

17 November 2021

Our recent webinar explored how to exploit organic materials to keep a lid on the crop-nutrition bill.
