Contents tagged with Brexit

14 May 2019

UK Total Factor Productivity (TFP*) decreased 2.1% between 2017 and 2018, due to decreased outputs and a smaller increase in inputs.

12 April 2019

Understand how different Brexit scenarios could affect your farm business incomes

15 March 2019

Regardless of what happens with Brexit, unless the UK stays in, farmers in England will see direct payments removed by 2028. The situation for farmers in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, (as of 11 March 2019) is unclear.

4 September 2019

Initial assessment of the implications of the Government's no deal tariffs on AHDB's key sectors

13 March 2019

Cull sow prices are potentially very sensitive to a no-deal Brexit, as at the moment cull sow carcases are typically exported to Europe. Under a no-deal scenario, this trade would face additional tariffs, and a lack of alternative markets means farmgate sow prices would be expected to fall. While income from cull sow sales makes up a relatively small percentage of producer incomes, this change would be unwelcome at a time when producers are, on average, already in a loss-making situation.

16 August 2019

Strategies are being put in place to minimise disruption

8 November 2019

Carol is a raspberry and rhubarb grower in Yorkshire. She employs two full time staff and her business is reliant on casual labour.

8 November 2019

British Tomato Growers Association Technical Officer, Philip Morley, reveals the steps he and the tomato industry are taking in the event of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit

8 November 2019

Martin Emmett, a director of The Farplants Group, a cooperative of five ornamental businesses with a turn-over of around £20m, explains the measures they are taking to prepare for potential changes to the supply chain with a ‘no-deal’ Brexit.

5 March 2019

Brexit decisions will be key to what happens with self-sufficiency but either way there are a number of challenges and things to consider

25 February 2019

In his latest blog, Phil Bicknell brings some much needed clarity to the Brexit debate

21 February 2019

We’ve looked across sectors and our analysis has highlighted that the sheep industry is potentially very sensitive to a “hard” Brexit. A loss of access to European markets could be very disruptive. Under a hard Brexit the UK is expected to be over supplied with sheep meat. How much depends on how trade between New Zealand and the UK and EU changes due to tariffs put in place. We expect UK prices to decline and EU prices to increase relative to each other, which might lead New Zealand to switch destination to the EU instead of the UK, although there might be a limit to how much it can do this.
