Contents tagged with export

7 April 2021

In his blog, Jonathan Eckley, Head of Asia Pacific, explains how the export market has remained key during the pandemic.

14 February 2024

Watch our latest trade and policy webinars

4 December 2020

This webinar focuses on the possible changes ahead in the way red meat exporters trade with the EU. You will also hear from key European competitors about how EU exit is affecting their domestic industries and what they are doing to prepare.

13 July 2021

In June, UK pig meat exports moved back to recording year-on-year growth, while imports remained down on the year.

26 August 2020

Join representatives from DEFRA, the Department for Trade and Industry and Promar and explore the opportunities for dairy in exporting to the United Arab Emirates

2 July 2020

Talking about the current market conditions, trading opportunities and how exporters in the UK can export red meat successfully

25 September 2019

Aspirations to export lamb from the UK to China are a step closer after Chinese government officials arrived in the country this week on a fact-finding mission.

7 December 2023

This event will present the global export outlook for UK Agriculture, exploring where the international opportunities are and how we can turn them into commercial reality

15 December 2022

Tap into opportunities for meat, dairy and potatoes across Asia by exploring its diverse and changing needs

19 March 2024

The weekly export price survey helps identify how competitive domestic surplus grain is in export markets. In years of surplus, the need to export grain increases and this price survey can be used to display how competitive we are and the likelihood of trade occurring. The prices are collected from a sample of merchants and are quoted as "Free on Board" meaning they show the cost of grain and loading. Each week on a Tuesday, the Tuesday spot prices are published for the current month, plus a selection of forward months. In instances where there are less than 7 days remaining in the current month, the following month is collected.

7 November 2018

Dairy exporters from the UK will join us this month at one of China’s leading food and drink fairs

3 June 2019

The Asia-Pacific region continues to offer opportunities for the UK pork sector – but industry must continue to work hard to ensure UK products are at the top of the list for importers
