Contents tagged with farm excellence

12 November 2020

How to assess the health of your own soils easily with the aid of AHDB resources

11 July 2024

Opportunity to ask any questions and hear more information about the trials and demonstrations happening on the three AHDB Strategic Cereal Farms

16 November 2020

What can the research at AHDB's Strategic Farms teach us about weed management?

26 October 2020

Hear about the cover ans catch crop trials at the Strategic Farms

14 September 2020

Steven's event will include updates on his progress, success and plans for the next few months

26 August 2020

AHDB’s Beef & Lamb team is recruiting for its next host farmers after successes with its current project farms. This year, the team will be welcoming five new Monitor Farms to join its existing 15 Strategic Farms.

15 September 2020

Introducing Gary Willoughby, host of the Wainfleet Monitor Farm in Lincolnshire

10 August 2020

This webinar looks at the theory and principles behind mole drainage and soil loosening, along with practical tips on how to effectively implement these operations in-field.

6 August 2020

The latest edition of Ruminant News (formerly known as Bulletin) for cattle and sheep farmers is available to download now.

25 January 2021

The launch of our latest autumn block calving strategic farm run by the Wade family

27 July 2020

This Table Tallk event will be promoting the launch of the Monitor Farm Programme and will provide details on what it is like to be part of the Farm Excellence network.

16 July 2020

AHDB North East Monitor Farms discuss prospects for harvest 2020
