Contents tagged with milk

19 February 2024

In September GB milk deliveries totalled 962 million litres, a 14 million litre (1.4%) decrease compared to the same month last year

30 January 2024

Milk Forecasting Forum 20 September, 2023

19 February 2024

GB milk production: August volumes remain in growth

19 February 2024

GDT Price Index continues the descent

19 February 2024

GB milk production expected to be flat for upcoming season

20 February 2024

In June, GB milk deliveries totalled 1,045m litres, an increase of only 4m litres (0.4%) compared to June last year.

1 June 2023

World Milk Day celebrates all things dairy.

19 February 2024

GB milk deliveries in April

12 April 2023

In March, GB milk deliveries were estimated at 1,088 million litres, in-line with AHDB’s March forecast update and the 5-year average for the month.

20 February 2024

The latest EU short term outlook has been released and is anticipating a 0.5% decrease in milk collections for 2022.

5 April 2023

The European Commission has released its latest short-term dairy outlook, forecasting a drop of 0.2% in milk production for 2023.
