Marketing prime beef
Find out how to maximise your returns by selecting animals at the right time and to the right specification for the market.
Finding your target market
To maximise financial returns, beef producers need to produce and sell the type of finished cattle markets really want and are willing to pay the most money for.
Finding a target market that suits your system is the key to successful cattle finishing, as is building relationships with your customers. The task is to then produce cattle to meet your customers' needs as cost-effectively as possible.
Sending out of spec cattle can have large financial impacts, for example sending overfat cattle to slaughter costs UK producers approximately £8.8 million per year in potential lost earnings.
Who are your customers?
Find out more about your potential customers and their specific requirements. By understanding the market, you can target your stock to optimise your returns.
Carcase classification
Carcase classification is a common language that enables the supply chain to trade and is linked to payment. Find out more about the grid and how it links to your customers’ requirements.
Selection for slaughter
Learn more about the key handling points to consider when selecting cattle for slaughter and how this aligns with the classification grid.
Maximise your returns
Whilst it is important to select the animal at the right time for your market, there are other factors to consider at the finishing and marketing stages.
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