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- BCMS Calf Registrations: number of calves available for beef production reduced in the first half of 2023
BCMS Calf Registrations: number of calves available for beef production reduced in the first half of 2023
Thursday, 14 September 2023
The total number of GB calf registrations in the first half of 2023 stood at 1.53 million head, a 2.1% reduction compared to the same period the previous year.
Key points
- Calves for beef production declined to 1.30 million head during the first half of 2023
- Dairy male calf registrations reduced 19% compared to last year
- General trend of an increased number of native breed calves registered continues, in contrast to the reduction in continental breeds
Calf registrations decreasing
Decreasing numbers were seen across all groups of cattle. However, as would be expected, the greatest decrease was seen in dairy male calves – with registrations 19% lower than the same period in 2022. This significant decrease can be attributed to the continued uptake of sexed semen and beef cross breeding strategy in GB dairy herds.
The number of calves registered that could be available for beef production (dairy male calves and beef calves of both sexes) has reduced by 1.8% to 1.30 million head, largely driven by dairy males. Such trends are important to monitor as we consider future beef supply.
Looking at registrations by dam type, so far this year registrations of animals for beef production out of the dairy herd have risen by 1.7%, while suckler-born registrations have fallen by 3.5%. This demonstrates the increased importance of the dairy herd to beef production.
Analysing breed data in more detail, reductions continued in registrations of breeds including Limousin X, Charolais X and Simmental X, compared to the same period last year. By contrast, breeds such as Aberdeen Angus X, British Blue X and Hereford X continued to grow in number. This may be attributed to changing industry practices, such as increased uptake of integrated supply chains with breed stipulations and popularity of native breeds among retailer lines.

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