Decrease in liveweight lamb prices

Thursday, 13 May 2021

By Bethan Wilkins

The liveweight lamb market has weakened in the second week of May, with an increase in the throughput coming into GB auction markets.

In the week ended 12 May, the GB OSL SQQ fell by about 6p on the previous week to 290.5p/kg. This decline has taken prices back to the level two weeks ago. The price was still nearly 80p higher than the corresponding week in 2020. The Islamic festival of Eid-al-Fitr takes place today (13 May). Much of the procurement for this perhaps took place in the previous week, giving a temporary extra demand boost that has since abated. Price declines accelerated towards the end of the week, with the GB OSL SQQ on 12 May at 262.7p/kg.

Numbers coming through GB auction markets were relatively high, up 17% on the previous week to 117,000 head. A notable increase was seen in spring lambs, with numbers reaching over 46,000 head.

With the increase in spring lambs coming to market, prices were down 16p on those recorded the previous week, with the GB NSL SQQ at 343.0p/kg.

A different trend was noticeable in the deadweight market, with the GB OSL SQQ rising by 9p to 652.9p/kg in the week ended 8 May. This increase is not surprising, with a rise also recorded in the liveweight market last week in the run-up to Eid. Prices remain 182p above the corresponding week in 2020. Estimated slaughter was up by 15% on the previous week.

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