EAE vaccine shortage expected until August

Friday, 28 June 2024

Ceva Animal Health says there will be a gap in the supply of its enzootic abortion of ewes (EAE) vaccine, Cevac® Chlamydia, this summer.

The company “deeply regrets any inconvenience caused to sheep farmers during this period” and has explained that a “vaccine batch failure in the manufacturing process” means supply will be affected until August. Ceva anticipates that some stock will be available later in the season.

Roy Geary, Regional Director for northern Europe at Ceva Animal Health, said:

“The manufacturing of vaccines is a complex process that involves stringent quality control measures and adherence to regulatory guidelines. Unfortunately, the anticipated vaccine batch has failed to meet the quality expected to be suitable for release, which has temporarily affected the ability to meet the demands of the UK sheep market within the main seasonal vaccination period for EAE.

“As a responsible provider, we are actively addressing these issues to minimise the impact on customers.

“In collaboration with relevant stakeholders, we have implemented comprehensive contingency plans to optimise the manufacturing and distribution process. The vaccine challenge is being treated with the utmost urgency, and we are actively exploring alternative options to speed up the supply chain for future batches of the vaccine.”

We encourage farmers to explore with their vets alternative means of safeguarding the health of their flocks during this period. This includes implementing robust biosecurity measures and adhering to existing vaccination protocols for other preventable diseases to ensure the overall wellbeing of livestock.

Learn about abortion vaccines in sheep

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