
2 September 2019

Two new recruits have joined the pork technical team

17 February 2020

Gloucester pig club: Come along to find out about Defra's updated welfare code

23 September 2019

Gloucester pig club: Come along to find out about the Muck Free Truck campaign.

7 October 2019

Somerset pig club: Come along to find out how farms might need to change to remain compliant in the future

30 June 2020

This report introduces the use of slurry cooling and associated heat recovery in the reduction of ammonia emissions from stored pig slurry.

4 November 2021

This guide will take you through the process of preparing a contingency plan, for example, if you are placed in a restriction zone. It also contains a 'key contacts' template for you to fill in and print.

1 August 2024

Download and complete this contingency planning template from AHDB and the NPA so that you are prepared should there be a notifiable disease outbreak in the pig sector.

29 April 2019

This manual looks at how housing can contribute to a calf's future health, growth and performance.

30 January 2020

Poor water quality can negatively affect pig health. To dislodge biofilm and disinfect water systems, a shock treatment with a high concentration of a suitable chemical is recommended.

18 March 2019

In the first four years of the Real Welfare Scheme, over 8 million pigs were individually assessed by specially trained vets to provide a credible, benchmarked level of welfare at both an industry and an individual farm level. This report summarises the findings from the first four years.

15 February 2019

Our new animation explains how to clean your pigs’ water system and what you need to think about when choosing organic acids

19 February 2019

Find out about the link between mineral levels, water system efficiency, and pig growth and health.
