
5 November 2018

The R&D Review is a summary of some of the work the Beef & Lamb sector is carrying out on behalf of levy payers to help their businesses become more efficient and sustainable.

25 September 2018

Nutrient value of digestate

24 December 2019

Slurry Use

25 September 2018

Slurry Testing

2 November 2018

Common rush infestation is mainly a problem in permanent pastures and rough grazings on poorly drained soils in high rainfall areas. Once established, rush plants can impede soil drainage and reduce sward productivity. This publication looks at how to manage and control the common rush

2 November 2018

Water is a limited resource and water use in agriculture is a global concern. A significant quantity of water is used to produce each kilo of meat, however farmers can help minimise this water footprint by reducing water use on farm. This document looks at the factors farmers should consider

2 November 2018

Herbs such as forage chicory and plantain can be a source of highly nutritious feed for grazing livestock. Using these species can reduce reliance on concentrate feeds, which reduces production costs. This guide gives an overview of using chicory and plantain as forage crops for livestock production

12 August 2019

If managed well, grazed grass can supply all the needs of pregnantewes over winter. Careful forward planning and rationing can offerpotential savings of £15/ewe per winter. This document provides guidance on how to do this, developed from three years of on-farm demonstration work

2 November 2018

Improving existing cattle buildings, or designing new builds to best standards, has a lasting and positive impact on animal health and productivity. This publication looks at the factors to bear in mind when farmers are considering cattle housing design

2 November 2018

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) or pneumonia is the most common reason for death and poor performance in young cattle and costs the UK cattle industry an estimated £50 million a year. This booklet gives an overview of how to recognise, test and treat BRD

2 November 2018

Under good management, lambing sheep as ewe lambs can improve the financial viability of sheep systems while at the same time reducing the number of breeding females kept. This publication gives a detailed overview of factors to consider when breeding from ewe lambs

2 November 2018

Over-wintering cattle outside on a well-designed and managed woodchip pad offers many benefits. However, it is important that pads are properlydesigned, constructed and managed for the benefits to be realised. This report gives guidelines on designing and managing woodchip pads
