What strategies should be adopted to deal with hazards?
Knowing how to adapt to changes in the context (market, societal expectations, personal objectives, etc.) means being resilient. The word is not a familiar term, yet many farmers put it into practice on their farms. If this term is becoming fashionable, it is because it has a strong meaning in the current changing context, and especially because it is forward-looking.
Resilience has been defined more precisely by the EuroDairy Hauts-de-France operational group as the"ability to adapt to ensure the sustainability of the farm in the face of hazards via social, economic and environmental factors."The path to resilience is to define a strategy and then actions to be put in place to achieve your goals. These must be consistent with the personal and professional project, the pedo-climatic context of the farm, external expectations (consumer, environment, etc.), market constraints, etc.
Tools to measure the resilience of your operation
The resilienceawareness tooloffers the possibility of measuring the resilience capacity of its structure directly on its farm, based on an exchange with an advisor. Based on several criteria, the tool gives a summary graph, offering a global vision. Depending on the reflections carried out on the results obtained, tailor-made in-depth analyses are possible afterwards (technical, economic and strategic support). While this awareness-raising tool is focused on dairy production, the resilience approach works in exactly the same way for any other production. It will soon be possible to quickly and easily measure the resilience of your farm yourself, thanks to the publication of a self-diagnosis on this page.
A lever box to deal with uncertainties
To approach resilience, the farmers involved in the EuroDairy project have defined five working themes:
Human & Social
In order to provide simple and concrete answers, testimonies from breeders and other materials have been gathered in this "lever box".
This lever box was built by the Hauts-de-France Chamber of Agriculture as part of the EuroDairy Hauts-de-France project funded by the Regional Council, helped by the other Chambers of Agriculture involved in the project and the Livestock Institute.