Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

13 July 2021

The feed barley discount to feed wheat has been gradually increasing throughout the season, as wheat prices have rallied.

13 July 2021

Wheat futures prices jumped up again yesterday after the confirmation of higher Russian export taxes on Friday. But, could export curbs be implemented by more counties?

13 July 2021

There has been a surge in support for agricultural commodities. Chicago wheat, soyabeans and maize futures contracts have gained exponentially since the start of June 2020.

14 January 2021

This week, grain markets have seen a plethora of information that has fed the bullish sentiment for the moment. Whilst news has been mostly maize centred, this has still had an effect on UK wheat futures.

13 July 2021

Yesterday evening the latest USDA supply and demand estimates (WASDE) for the 2020/21 season were released. A lot of our focus in recent weeks has been on South America, where dry weather has hampered crop development. Despite the drier weather, forecasts of Brazilian and Argentinian maize production are at relatively high levels.

13 July 2021

Tonight the USDA release three reports that have historically influenced prices. These are the monthly world supply and demand estimates, US stocks as at 1 December and the area of winter wheat planted for harvest 2021.

13 July 2021

More rain is needed across many of the key maize and soyabean growing areas in South America.

13 July 2021

As we move into the New Year, grain markets have continued to rally. Since Monday, old crop UK feed wheat futures (May-21) have gained £3.90/t, closing yesterday at £204.90/t. Equally, new crop (Nov-21) futures have gained £3.50/t over the week so far, reaching £167.00/t yesterday.

13 July 2021

We are facing the third consecutive year of decline in OSR area. Area planted for harvest 2021 is forecast to be a further 18% lower than the harvest 2020.

13 July 2021

The release of the regional breakdown of the Early Bird Survey can help us provisionally forecast what the 2021/22 marketing year may entail for delivered premiums of milling and feed wheat.

13 July 2021

DEFRA released their final estimates for the 2020 UK crops yesterday and Alex gave an insight and overview into this data.

13 July 2021

This morning, DEFRA released their final estimates for the 2020 UK crop, updating the provisional figures published in October. Reductions have been seen for wheat, barley and oilseed rape production.
