Contents tagged with weather

13 July 2021

An early recording of GB planting intentions for the 2020 harvest suggests a sharp fall in winter crops, largely because of the extremely wet weather throughout the autumn planting window.

3 December 2019

December is the time to measure fodder stocks and analyse forages to make a winter budget to calculate how much and what alternatives are needed.

13 July 2021

Wet weather has dominated much of the UK since mid-September, causing delays to drilling of winter cereal crops.

18 November 2019

If grass growth is not meeting animal demand, it’s important to take action. Read how to build up your grass covers in this section.

27 May 2020

In warm or bright conditions, when there is heat and light intensity, calves are at risk of heat stress. During these periods, energy is used to lose heat from the body by sweating and increasing respiratory rate.

24 July 2019

Our water resources specialist has provided some advice to help businesses in areas affected by water use restrictions.

18 June 2019

Calculate rainfall-related mycotoxin scores and target T3 fungicide sprays in wheat

27 June 2024

Our analysts look at how the oilseeds market is expected to perform, using the latest available data

8 May 2019

Below average rainfall is triggering UK farmers and growers to adopt water savvy techniques early in the year, to be prepared should another agricultural drought hit.

29 March 2019

These alerts can help guide the application of protectant fungicides to oilseed rape.

9 October 2020

We share our top tips for on-off grazing

30 September 2024

Our slurry wizard helps you work out slurry storage requirements, explore options and comply with regulations
