Precision agriculture for soils
Soil scanning surveys and brightness maps can be used to identify in-field management zones with similar soil properties. These zones can be used for a range of purposes including soil sampling and fertiliser management.
Measuring and managing variability
Using survey techniques to understand underlying spatial variation in soil physical characteristics is an important first step towards more consistent crop growth.
Several precision farming companies will define soil management zones for farmers based on soil electrical conductivity or soil brightness maps.
Soil scanning surveys
Soil electrical conductivity and electromagnetic induction scanning can be used to identify differences in soil texture, moisture and organic matter content.
Soil brightness satellite maps
Satellite technology can be used to help determine variations in soil and identify boundaries between soil types or conditions.
Learn more about soil brightness satellite maps
Precision farming glossary
Precision farming technology and practices introduced acronyms, buzzwords and jargon. This 'A-Z' glossary defines them all.
