Who are you?

One of the most important elements of running a business is knowing yourself first. You can then move forward with making goals and plans that will achieve your ambitions.

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In order to make a plan – whether that is regarding entry or exit from the agricultural industry or anywhere in between  it is important to first identify your current position followed by your goals.

Current farm business owner, seeking to collaborate or expand business operations

  • Career farmers of any stage, thinking about business growth or diversification and how a business collaboration may assist this process  

  • Landowners or tenants who want to expand their business either in the same sector or into other sectors

Currently farming, seeking retirement plan

  • Late-career farmers, thinking about succession, planning to wind down from some of the practical aspects of running a farm, or to pass on experience

  • Landowners, who want to see their land used practically and gainfully, but who are not able to farm the land themselves

  • Active farmers, with land, may wish to diversify their agricultural business or beyond this without the risks and complexities involved with establishing and running several businesses at once

  • Estate owners or managers who have identified a gap in their estate system

  • Landowning trusts or charities wishing to find cost-effective ways of achieving their social or environmental objectives

New entrant

  • Farmers, with the training and experience to set up a new farm business, but without the land or capital

  • Experienced farmworkers or land managers, who have decided to run their own business, but who do not have the capital to buy land

  • People with a related business background, such as food retail or horticulture, who are keen to branch out into the business of land-based production

  • Communities or groups of consumers who wish to set up or invest in a Community Supported farm which will produce products on their behalf

  • Existing farmers seeking opportunities


stakeholder is an employee or family member with no legal stake in the business, who wish to have the opportunity to become a business member usually without any stake on the asset. 

Outcomes to aim for: 

  • A way of offering progression opportunity for staff members who show particular capability and dedication towards the business  
  • Provide security and reward for family members that perhaps contribute towards the business, such as a spouse or child  

One example of how this could work is an equity share farming arrangement. 

Complete a SWOT analysis of yourself and/or current business to gather the information required to analyse your situation

If you are already a farm business owner, complete a business objectives form to help you identify your current position
