2024 Beef trade review – Irish imports up as price differential widens

Friday, 28 February 2025

Increased imports and steady export growth defined the UK beef trade in 2024. Total fresh and frozen beef imports rose 8% on the year to 241,000 tonnes. Driven by a rise in exports to key EU markets, total UK beef exports grew by 9%, despite volumes to Ireland declining by 7%.

Key points

  • UK beef import volumes rose by 8% in 2024, with imports from Ireland up 13%.
  • UK beef exports increased by 9%, driven by higher shipments to France (+15%) and the Netherlands (+14%).
  • The value of UK beef imports reached £1.38bn (+11%), while exports hit £567m (+16%).


For the full year of 2024, total UK fresh and frozen beef imports totalled 241,000 tonnes, an increase of 17,300 tonnes (8%) compared to 2023. This is largely a consequence of an increase in imports from Ireland by 21,800 tonnes, an uplift of 13% compared to 2023, likely supported by the growing price differential between the two countries. This was especially pronounced towards the end of the year as imports from Ireland during Q4 were up 15% compared to Q4 of 2023.

Although Imports from Australia and New Zealand were up significantly compared to 2023, these two countries combined still only represents 4% of the total imported volume in 2024.

UK beef imports by country (2020-24)

Source: HMRC complied by Trade Data Monitor LLC

The value of total fresh and frozen beef imports reached £1.38 billion for 2024, an increase of 11% compared to 2023. A relatively small proportion of this increase can be attributed to increases in the unit price of fresh and frozen beef imports which increased from an average of £5,600/t in 2023 to £5,800/t in 2024 (+3%). Imports from Ireland totalled over £1 billion for the first time in 2024 reaching £1.06 billion an increase of 16% from last year.


For the full year of 2024 exports increased by 9,000 tonnes reaching 113,000 tonnes, growth of 9% compared to 2023. Exports to key EU countries were responsible for much of this increase with France and the Netherlands seeing increases of 15% and 14% respectively compared to 2023. Yet exports to Ireland, the number one destination for UK beef, saw a 7% decline in 2024 to sit at 33,000 tonnes, again likely due to the increasing price differential seen between the two countries over the course of 2024.

UK beef exports by country (2020-24)

Source: HMRC complied by Trade Data Monitor LLC

The value of total fresh and frozen beef exports in 2024 reached £567m an increase of 16% on 2023. Exports value to France increased by £20m (13%), whereas exports value to the Netherlands increased by £21m representing a 25% increase. Although export volumes to Ireland fell, the value remained constant and therefore reflects an increase in product price that counteracts the fall in volumes imported.

Boneless beef continued to form the majority of exported product in 2024 at 72% of total fresh and frozen beef, an increase from 69% in 2023. Total boneless beef volumes increased by 14% compared to 2023 reaching 80,000 tonnes whereas bone-in cuts fell by 11% reflecting the increase in EU share of overall beef exports.

Monthly UK beef exports by cut (Jan-23 to Dec-24)

Source: HMRC complied by Trade Data Monitor LLC

To read about what 2025 trade has in store, see the latest beef market outlook for a forward look at our beef trade expectations for the year ahead.

Image of staff member Tom Spencer

Tom Spencer


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