Farmer blog: As farmers we need to get out and tell our story
Thursday, 16 December 2021
Charles Goadby runs a mixed farm in Warwickshire, milking 350 dairy cows as well as rearing their own dairy beef calves through to slaughter, alongside 344 hectares (850 acres) of combinable crops. In this blog, he talks about his experience of being one of our farming ambassadors.
Over recent times, most everyday people have become detached from the food they eat, how it is produced and how that fits in with protecting the environment. This detachment has led the way for more misinformation, false truths and conspiracy theories to arise, exacerbated in recent times with the growth of social media – much of which goes unchecked.
As a farmer who takes great pride and care in what I do, I feel frustrated that as an industry we don’t seem to be part of the conversation about our own livelihoods. That's why I believe it is for us farmers and producers, no matter how big or small we are, to get out there and tell our story. How we farm, how we produce the food we all eat and to reconnect the farm to fork journey.
There are some wonderful examples on social media of people who are making a difference, but we need more people to join in. Together, if we can all start to share what we are doing to provide nutritious food and protect the environment, we may be able to make a much greater impact to improve consumer’s relationship with food and unite our industry.
The facts and resources that AHDB has brought together have been wonderful in helping farmers add evidence and backing to our stories. I have certainly had positive feedback from using the We Eat Balanced posts. Sometimes I used them as provided, sometimes I’ve added my own personal story to them, and that has in no doubt given people the information they need to make their own informed decision.
With healthy diets, environment and the role of farming within that high on the public’s agenda, there is no better time than now to get involved.
If you would like to join Charles and get involved by being part of our Farming Ambassador group then find out more and sign up here.
