Getting to know Patrick Loten
Thursday, 4 August 2022
Patrick Loten is the Pork Knowledge Exchange Manager for South and Central England. He joined AHDB in 2018 and is involved in the Gilt Watch programme investigating factors affecting gilt retention and the effect of optimising parity profile throughout the breeding herd.
Before joining AHDB, I spent 40 years working on an outdoor pig unit in the south of England, where I managed 2,500 sows, producing 7 kg weaners and replacement gilts. I decided that it was time for a change and then a friend showed me a job advert in Farmers Weekly for the position of Knowledge Exchange Manager. I joined AHDB in 2018, and since then, I have been working to improve my knowledge of the technologies involved in pig farming and helping other producers.
I have worked on projects such as our Monitor Farms, the Gilt Watch programme and Precision Pig. These projects started before I joined AHDB, but I am committed to ensuring that what we learnt from these projects continues to help pig producers make informed decisions.
Working on the Monitor Farms project with producers, who are always willing to demonstrate the impact of developing and implementing the best farm practices, has been eye-opening and fulfilling. Seeing how producers have used their Lean training and put it to use on their units, making savings at a time when every penny counts, is rewarding.
When I am not working on a project and going on farm visits, I set up pig clubs for the autumn and spring season. Our pig clubs are one of the ways we work to bridge the gap between the organisation and levy payers. They serve as an opportunity to meet with farmers, share knowledge about the work we do on their behalf, and develop their knowledge and skills so that we continue to have a professional and skilled industry. I am currently planning the upcoming pig club season and am looking to include a session on biosecurity, as this seems appropriate with African swine fever (ASF) moving ever nearer. We will also plan international pig clubs covering production in other countries, so please look out for them on our events page.
While out of the office, I love to play paddle tennis and racket ball twice a week. I try to play golf, but I am bad at it.
I am hoping that very soon producers will be back in a better position, making a profit, and I’m looking forward to a prosperous pig industry.
I am always available for a chat, and to give help if needed.