Industry urged to submit views on RB209’s format, content and future
Wednesday, 8 May 2024
The first strategic review of the Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) for seven years is underway. Amanda Bennett, who leads RB209 activity at AHDB, reflects on initial findings and explains how to feed in your views (via a questionnaire).
About the RB209 review
AHDB first published RB209 in 2017 in seven sections, following a technical review of its content in 2016. Since then, it has been annually updated in partnership with others, based on evidence provided by research commissioned by AHDB.
Following seven years of research and technical updates, we are taking the time to step back and look at the bigger picture with a strategic review of the guide and the guidance. It will help ensure RB209 continues to meet the needs of AHDB levy payers, as well as the requirements of the wider industry.
At the start of the year (in January and February), we conducted an initial questionnaire. This received over 250 responses, mainly from farmers, agronomists and advisers. It told us what RB209 does well and how it could be improved.
RB209 format and content
The feedback showed that most people use the hardcopy RB209 publication or access the online PDFs, and many of the comments were about the guide’s format (see the ‘top-level’ categories in Figure 1).
The initial comments helped us develop the follow-up main questionnaire, which we hope will help sift out the personal preferences of the few from the needs of the majority.
Refining RB209’s format, in most cases, will probably be straightforward, compared to technical changes. RB209 is built on a foundation of robust evidence. Generating the data to change the guidance requires time and money, especially when new research is required.
A desire for technical changes was identified in the initial questionnaire. For example, it noted a need for information to help tailor RB209 recommendations to various farming situations, such as specific soils, crop rotations and varieties, as well as to adjust recommendations for specific farms or fields.
Nutrient use efficiency emerged as a key theme, with perceived information gaps identified. These included nutrient availability from soils and organic materials, guidance of fertiliser placement and application strategies, as well as the use and interpretation of in-season nutrient tests and analyses and micronutrients.
There was also some interest in broadening the scope of RB209 to provide more crop information, including for cover crops, mixed swards, grassland and grazed forage crops. It also noted an appetite to expand the guidance “beyond N, P and K” for more crops and to provide data on the carbon footprint of fertilisers.
Top-level categories from the initial questionnaire
Figure 1. Top-level categories identified in the initial RB209 review questionnaire (based on over 250 individual responses)
Complete the main questionnaire
With several years between strategic reviews, it is important that anyone with an interest in RB209’s future completes the questionnaire. If you have an opinion on its presentation or its content, please take a few minutes to feed in your views.
The main questionnaire is open until 31 July 2024.
RB209 review: Main questionnaire
A range of industry stakeholders are also being consulted for their views on the requirements for nutrient management guidance.
A dedicated RB209 review steering committee has been established to oversee the review activities that will continue throughout 2024.
The main findings from the questionnaire and consultation will be published later this year.