Leader in the limelight: Emma Middleton
Monday, 23 January 2023
In this AgriLeader feature, we profile leaders from across our industry. We'll ask them some probing questions to find out what makes them tick and how they've become the leader they are today.
Emma Middleton
Emma (pictured) farms in Lincolnshire with her husband, Andrew. They run a small suckler herd together with a rearing-to-finishing beef enterprise and a free-range egg production unit. Emma looks after the farm administration and people management side of things, alongside running her own successful business helping other businesses with their finances, book-keeping and payroll. She is also a keen podcaster, a busy mum to three daughters, chair of the local school governors and a parish councillor.
Let's get to know Emma a bit more
What’s the best advice you have ever received?
To set goals, think about both short- and long-term goals for your personal life and business. Make sure your goals include the reasons why you want to achieve them, and be positive by starting each goal with “I am going to do xyz…”, as opposed to “I should do xyz…”.
What was the best decision you ever made?
To take the risk and set up my own business. I left behind a job I loved and people I enjoyed working with, but running my own business gave me the flexibility I so desperately needed for family life.
Who do you admire most and why?
There are some great female role models in agriculture, both locally and nationally. Away from agriculture, I admire the business executive, Baroness Karren Brady. She knows her values and her direction in life. I also listen to a lot of audio books and am often picking up great tips.
What is your biggest regret?
I don’t have many regrets about things I haven’t done, but there are some choices I wish I’d acted on sooner. Generally, I try not to regret any decisions because I believe we can only ever make the best decision possible on any given day.
What has been the highlight of the year to date?
Our family went to a lovely Norfolk cottage this Autumn. We had no livestock to look after, no fixed plans and it felt 100% relaxed. We walked, ate great food, played cards and spent time with good friends. It was my highlight of the year.
What keeps you awake at night?
I’m not a worrier and I sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I sometimes find the early wake up calls hard going, as we have competitive swimmers in the family who need to get to training sessions!
When have you felt outside your comfort zone?
I’ve had to build my own business brand and push myself to step into the spotlight. It’s meant I’ve been doing more on social media, recording podcasts and I recently filmed with AHDB as one of their Labour Life Cycle case studies. Being in front of the camera and having nowhere to hide has been stretching at times, but it’s the right thing to be doing.
What one item (other than a spouse, child or pet) would you rescue from the flames?
I’m not materialistic, so I’d say my photo albums (the ones not backed up on the cloud).
When or where do you get your best ideas?
When I am out walking, which I try to do every day. I’ve made the commitment with a group of friends to walk 100 km a month. We’ve set the target high enough to make sure we all do plenty of walking. It’s so good to get out every day.
What superpower would you chose?
Physical strength.
Follow Emma on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. You can find her podcast channel, Blossoming Business, on Apple Podcasts.