Pig Health Scheme assessments ramping up

Thursday, 17 March 2022

In March and April, we anticipate that Pig Health Scheme assessments will have resumed in all 11 plants.

This follows a COVID-19-induced hiatus and assessor refresher training. A new group of assessors has also been trained to bolster the number of assessments that can be carried out.

The assessment dates are posted online and updated as and when new dates are announced.

Remember, the Pig Health Scheme reports can be used to:

  • Provide a baseline of the current health status of your herd
  • Benchmark against other members of the scheme, using aggregated and anonymised data
  • Monitor the effects of management changes, such as feed or a vaccination programme change, on the health of your pigs
  • Inform decisions around disease control with your vet

If you’re not already a member, it is free to join and reports will be sent to you automatically, two days after each assessment. Signing up is quick and easy and can be done through your Pig Hub account today.

If you have any questions or feedback about the scheme, please get in touch via: PHS@ahdb.org.uk

Please note that Lauren Turner, Animal Health and Welfare Scientist and lead for the Pig Health Scheme, is now on maternity leave. Your new scheme contact is Miranda Bowden-Doyle.
