Grocery retail

8 February 2022

An extra 302 million litres of milk were bought last year compared to 2019

2 January 2024

Increased numbers of guests this Christmas boosted the dairy market with sales of cows dairy reaching £900m in December

2 January 2024

Total spend on red meat reached £1744m in December 2021, higher than both 2020 and 2019.

2 January 2024

Dairy retail sales soar on pre-pandemic levels

2 January 2024

Once again, Christmas provided a positive lift for grocery sales, reaching £11.7 billion over the month of December according to Kantar.

11 January 2022

In this blog Sarah Baker talks about how and why retailers source agricultural products

1 December 2021

Processed red meat accounts for 39% of value sales and 96% of households bought a processed meat product in the last year.

16 December 2021

What is predictable for meat and dairy?

18 January 2022

During the first lockdown we saw a baking boom. With the return to a more normal way of life home baking and pre-packed flour sales have declined over the last year.

16 November 2021

Volumes of continental meats are up 12% year on year and up 30% on the same period in 2019.

27 January 2022

With a later than usual start to the hot summer weather, combined with greater option to eat out, the number of barbecues during 2021 declined versus 2020, but did this affect the sales of red meat and dairy?

21 October 2021

The amount of meat and poultry sold at butchers in the 12 w/e 5 Sept 21 fell 21.1% year-on-year.
