Farm Excellence

6 April 2021

Strategic Farm update from Johnny Haimes

22 April 2021

An interactive workshop about reaching heifer pre-bulling target weights in a spring block grazing herd

22 June 2021

Joe Carter's Holstein herd achieves an impressive daily lifetime yield of 20.4 litres.

28 April 2021

Learn about genomic testing maiden heifers and application on farm

17 March 2021

Learn about carbon sequestration and practical ways of increasing carbon storage and managing your soils effectively.

15 March 2021

How Wallace and James Hendrie are improving fertility in their spring block calving herd by reviewing the previous calving season and fertility figures.

12 March 2021

How to get the most from multi-cut silage, eliminate waste and make efficient use of machinery.

11 March 2021

Two new farmers have joined AHDB’s Strategic Cereal Farm network in an expansion of the Farm Excellence programme to both the South and North of England.

10 March 2021

Exploring the source of mastitis identified an issue with the dry cow environment and highlighted potential improvements

7 April 2021

An interactive workshop exploring the pro and cons of 3 times a day milking and the areas to consider

25 March 2021

A workshop for dairy farm owners to learn about creating sound business structures

26 February 2021

We have been able to expand our strategic dairy farm network in Wales through the Dairy Improvement Programme (DIP) for Wales.
