Farm Excellence

27 July 2020

'I've enjoyed the professional criticism as well as the constructive criticism. It's been a really steep learning curve.'

27 July 2020

'You'll get incredible support and this goes a long way to making a successful business.'

27 July 2020

'You'll make some great friends from around the country who are open-minded and progressive as well.'

27 July 2020

'Hosting open farm events felt daunting at the time but it has definitely been a huge benefit.'

27 July 2020

'A fresh set of eyes on your farming business can only be a positive thing... go for it.'

27 July 2020

'You'll get an awful lot of support and advice from the AHDB staff, consultants and the other farmers within the group'

29 September 2021

Everything you need to know about our Farm Excellence programme and how to get involved

27 July 2020

'I'd really recommend it... you get out what you put in and for us, it's been great'

9 September 2020

Strategic Dairy Farm: Join Dr. Robert Hyde to explore how improving calf welfare can drive performance and profit

6 August 2020

Strategic Dairy Farm: George Wade of Honeypot Farm in Leicestershire provides an overview of their history, operations and ambitions.

27 July 2020

'The AHDB project has given me the drive and the confidence to put changes into place.'

16 July 2020

AHDB North East Monitor Farms discuss prospects for harvest 2020
