Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

2 February 2022

Oilseed rape (OSR) prices have reached historic highs this marketing year (2021/22). With stocks reduced and markets volatile focus turns to new crop.

1 February 2022

Yesterday, two private forecasters sharply cut their estimates of Brazilian soyabean production, which could have implications for rapeseed markets.

28 January 2022

Yesterday, the Indonesian government announced plans to curb the exports of palm oil. This move would see 20% of the vegetable oil mandated to be sold domestically, thereby limiting volumes available to global markets.

26 January 2022

One of the factors supporting prices yesterday, was poor US crop condition scores. Although there is still a lot of crop development between now and harvest. These crop condition scores build sentiment into the market as speculations are made on potential yields.

25 January 2022

A relatively mild winter continues to be kind to winter crops across Europe and the Black Sea. But, this also continues to leave crops more exposed to frost damage if temperatures drop.

21 January 2022

The Chicago May-22 soyabean contract had its biggest jump of the season yesterday, up $12.40/t to $527.04/t (£387.05/t), boosting rapeseed prices.

19 January 2022

Last week saw the release of updated GB animal feed production numbers (to Nov-21). Focusing on the four main cereals, (wheat, barley, oats, and maize) animal feed usage season to date (Jul-Nov) is up 2% year-on-year at 2.16Mt.

18 January 2022

After the USDA world agricultural supply and demand estimates (WASDE) released last week, the global soyabean balance looks very tight. This tight picture can be expected to support the wider oilseed complex, including rapeseed prices, this season.

14 January 2022

The UK exported 52Kt of barley in November, down from 62Kt in October and the smallest monthly volume since July. If the export pace remains relatively sluggish, more barley will be available for domestic use or may be held in stocks at the end of the season.

12 January 2022

South American weather concerns have been supporting Chicago maize prices over the past few weeks. On 27 December, the May-22 futures reached $242.81/t, the highest price since June 2021 on this contract.

11 January 2022

As it’s been mentioned before, for the rest of this marketing year the global rapeseed market is extremely tight. Nearby Paris rapeseed futures closed yesterday at around £675/t .

7 January 2022

With the introduction of mandated E10 fuel in the UK since last September and the expected re-opening of the Vivergo bio-ethanol plant at the start of 2022, we need to consider the implications on regional wheat prices in the North East.
