Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

13 July 2021

The Early Bird Survey (EBS) has been released today, providing the industry with the first look into UK cropping intentions for 2021 harvest.

13 July 2021

Whilst rapeseed markets are enjoying the bullish sentiment in soya markets. Longer term, rapeseed markets have support from anticipated planted area declines.

13 July 2021

Heavy rain in October delayed planting across Europe, but dry weather in November has allowed many areas to catch up, according to the EU’s crop monitoring service.

13 July 2021

Over the course of this season the UK market wheat market has been understandably firm. Low production, coupled with global support from the maize market, has resulted in UK feed wheat prices (May-21) continuing to set contract highs. The support for physical premiums at the moment is seen for both feed wheat over futures and for milling wheat over feed wheat.

13 July 2021

As the Northern Hemisphere combinable harvests wrap up, weather will become the key focus point for 2021 harvest; particularly conditions in major producing regions such as the Black Sea region.

13 July 2021

Sunflower prices are rising and this could help to push UK rapeseed prices even higher.

13 July 2021

As one of the first outlined by the Department for International Trade (DIT), the UK-Ukraine continuity agreement facilitates trade after the 31 December 2020.

13 July 2021

Russia’s agriculture ministry will limit the amount of grain that can be exported from 15 February until 30 June 2021 to 15.0Mt, according to draft legislation.

13 July 2021

The latest USDA world supply and demand estimates (WASDE), released yesterday evening, provide further useful insight into where markets could be going.

13 July 2021

At 3.20pm today sterling was up considerably, almost entirely across the board (down against Indonesian rupiah and Hungarian forint), the gains extended to +0.85% against the US dollar, +0.74% against the Japanese yen and the euro.

13 July 2021

Both a reduced domestic supply and demand picture have impacted wheat usage this season, with greater reliance on imported supply.

13 July 2021

Global oilseed markets have seen a turnaround since Alex’s article last Wednesday, with multi-month and even multi-year highs being achieved on some futures contracts.
