Contents tagged with Dairy

4 July 2024

UK dairy product availability: Cheese supplies tighten in Q1 2024 as exports get a boost and milk flows head towards butter

12 June 2024

GB milk volume in May show a subdued and delayed spring flush with prolonged wet weather delaying grass growth.

5 June 2024

As of 1 April 2024, the latest BCMS data shows that the GB milking herd stood at 1.64 million head.

29 May 2024

GB registrations of calves born to dairy dams totalled 406,000 in the first quarter of 2024.

29 May 2024

Welfare is important to shoppers and overall, consumers have positive perceptions of British agriculture.

30 May 2024

To help improve grassland productivity, the 2024/2025 Recommended Grass and Clover Lists (RGCL) for England and Wales have welcomed 11 new varieties, including two Italian ryegrass, six perennial ryegrass, two lucerne and one festulolium variety.

23 May 2024

Q1 dairy trade review: exports mostly flat and imports on the uptick

28 August 2024

Over the last ten years we have seen changes in the output of the dairy herd, with industry strategies moving to reduce dairy bull calves and a significant increase in dairy beef.

8 May 2024

EU short term outlook: Subdued global demand will weigh on dairy exports growth

8 May 2024

GB milk deliveries in April are estimated to have totalled 1,073 million litres, 2.2% below the same month in 2023. Average daily deliveries are estimated at 35.76 million litres.

20 August 2024

Find out about the strategic review of the Nutrient Management Guide (RB209), including how you can feed in your views about the future of the guidance.

8 May 2024

Take part in the first strategic review of the Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) for seven years.
