Contents tagged with Grain Market Daily

30 April 2020

Ethanol demand shifts have been a major focus of global grain markets, the continued reduction in US ethanol output has resulted in a large decline to maize prices. What has been mentioned less is the impact on UK ethanol production.

30 April 2020

In unprecedented circumstances, it becomes increasingly important to draw out the implication of coronavirus for the UK market. One of the biggest talking points from a domestic consumer perspective has been the lack of flour on supermarket shelves. It is all too easy to assume that demand for wheat from the human and industrial (H&I) sectors is on the rise.

29 April 2020

Following a run of declines across the oilseed sector, there could be some short-term support for OSR prices on the horizon, stemming from improved crude and vegetable oil prices.

29 April 2020

Rain is forecast across much of Europe in the coming days and the latest European crop monitoring (MARS) report shows how needed it is, especially for spring crops.

24 April 2020

To my mind there are four global weather situations playing out at the moment and a further one that is very much worth keeping an eye on.

16 June 2020

During March, soya meal markets recorded elevated levels of support in the face of coronavirus. Global demand for feed increased, while global availability fell. Countries that had first entered lock-downs experienced large-scale logistical disruptions. Recently, with global soya supply at a high, soya meal prices have since retraced back to pre-March levels. This has provided some respite for the UK livestock industry, which makes use of imports for protein feed sources.

21 April 2020

In 2019/20 the UK produced its largest oat crop of the 21st century, at 1.08Mt, a record that could seemingly be broken this season. A torrid winter for many has seen expectations of spring plantings increase exponentially. For oats the February re-run of the early bird survey suggested that oat plantings in the UK could reach as much as 229Kha, the largest area planted to the crop since 1976.

21 April 2020

For the first time in history yesterday we saw the price of US oil turn negative. Meaning that oil producers were paying buyers to take the commodity away, as there were fears over storage capacity could run out.

17 April 2020

French crop conditions have declined over the past week as rainfall in the country remains below average.

16 April 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is resulting in a great many unknowns. One of these is the extent of the economic damage on global markets, as it becomes increasingly likely that many countries will face some degree of recession. As countries across the world enter multiple-week shut-downs, ensuring food supply has become a necessity. Last week, Romania announced it was stopping its wheat exports to non-EU countries.

15 April 2020

Next year we are facing a wheat deficit as the UK’s new crop is trading at import parity. It’s critical to give an overview for how this may affect delivered premiums going into the 2020/21 marketing year.

9 April 2020

As we move through unprecedented times, we often have to look outside the box to find the drivers of markets. Over the past fortnight, wheat prices have been increasingly driven by global macroeconomics. However, as the macroeconomics are increasingly factored in, markets for products that are substitutable for wheat also become key to market direction.
