How to develop an efficient grazing strategy webinar

Past Event

4 July 2019

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Join AHDB Beef and Lamb and Dr Liz Genever (independent sheep and beef consultant) for a webinar on how to develop an efficient grazing strategy for your farm.

When managed well, grazed grass has the potential to reduce input costs significantly, in particular reducing the need to buy in feed.

There is not one grazing strategy that suits every farm, however, with a strategy that gives the grass a rest, yield can go up by around 20 per cent.

There are many aspects to consider, such as pasture quality, how to measure grass growth and how to balance supply and demand

The webinar will cover:

  • Factors affecting grass growth and quality
  • Sward heights and the right time to graze
  • Different grazing strategies
  • Troubleshooting

The webinar will last approximately 35 minutes, with time for questions at the end.



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