AHDB rallying cry to “stay home and celebrate #steaknight”
Thursday, 9 April 2020
With the nation’s restaurants closed for the foreseeable future, farmers and chefs are teaming up to help people enjoy the perfect steak dinner at home.
Usually, 20 per cent of beef is consumed in the eating-out market, with steak a popular choice, but current closures mean there will be 2.5 billion fewer eating-out occasions between April and June this year*.
With social media an increasingly important source of recipe inspiration, AHDB is rallying industry and chefs to use the hashtags #steaknight and #makeitsteak over the next three months to show consumers how to enjoy restaurant-quality steak in the comfort of their own home.
The initiative aims to put steak on the menu for some of the additional 500 million meals** a week which will now be consumed at home during lockdown.
For those unsure where to start, AHDB has a range of quick and easy recipes on its simplybeefandlamb.co.uk website, such as steak nachos with salsa, Korean beef bibimbap and bistro steaks on garlic bruschetta.
Will Jackson, AHDB Strategy Director for Beef & Lamb, said: “We want to join up the supply chain and showcase the fantastic ways we can all enjoy an eating-out experience in the comfort of our living rooms by linking up communities across social media with farmers and chefs to share their expert knowledge and tips.
“We encourage everyone to prepare and share simple steak recipes to help people cook with confidence in their own home during these difficult times.”
Steak can also make a valuable contribution to a balanced diet, as red meat is naturally rich in protein, low in salt and provides eight vitamins and minerals which contribute towards good health.
Red meat, such as beef, is one of the main sources of vitamin B12, which is typically only found naturally in animal products, such as meat and milk. Vitamin B12 helps the immune system work normally and contributes to normal psychological function.
#Steaknight is part of AHDB’s extensive consumer-focused marketing and PR programme, and complements Great British Beef Week, taking place from 23 to 30 April.