Liveweight lamb prices move up

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Having recorded a few consecutive weeks of declines liveweight lamb prices rose this week. In the week ended 26 January, the GB liveweight OSL SQQ gained 4.81p, to 268.03p/kg. This is almost 14p above year earlier levels. Throughputs for the week also picked up slightly to 99,200 head.

Consumer demand had been slow during the first few weeks of January, with some restrictions in place in Wales and Scotland. It has now been announced these restrictions will be easing, which could support out of home demand although potentially at a cost to in-home demand.

Chart showing GB liveweight lamb prices January 2022

Meanwhile the GB deadweight NSL SQQ dropped 15.6p, to 585.5p/kg during the week ending 22 January. This was reflective of the trend recorded for liveweight prices during the same week. This does also mark the first time the quotation for the 2021 crop of lambs has fallen below the £6/kg mark since mid-November. Despite the recent declines, the measure remains over 11p above year earlier levels. Estimated kill for the week totalled 195,800 head, a 2% rise on the week but 4% below the same week last year.

Chart showing GB estimated lamb kill at a low level during January 2022

The latest AHDB Agri-Market Outlook was released today and discusses what could happen to production levels in 2022, as well as taking a look at trade, demand and potential price levels.

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