
29 April 2019

This manual looks at how housing can contribute to a calf's future health, growth and performance.

30 May 2019

This practical event, run by AHDB & MLC Services Ltd, allows you to handle live animals and make your assessment of fat cover and conformation using the EUROP grid. You will then see the same animals on the hook in the chillers and the actual classification so you can compare the assessments made whilst the animals were alive.

29 May 2019

This practical event, run by AHDB & MLC Services Ltd, allows you to handle live animals and make your assessment of fat cover and conformation using the EUROP grid. You will then see the same animals on the hook in the chillers and the actual classification so you can compare the assessments made whilst the animals were alive.

9 May 2019

Feed is a major cost of keeping a suckler cow and has a huge impact on fertility, calving ease and calf performance. The cheapest form of feed available to livestock farmers is grass. It is estimated that we waste 30% of the grass we grow. Since becoming a Strategic farm, E.H Holdstock & Son have introduced new grassland leys through reseeding and are keen to explore rotational grazing in 2019.

23 May 2019

The National Beef Association’s 2019 Beef Expo will be held on Thursday 23rd May at North West Auctions, Kendal. Bringing together the very best in British commercial and pedigree cattle, equipment, knowledge-sharing, and show classes for everyone involved in the industry.

11 April 2019

Antibiotics are a medicine that in most cases should only be used to treat bacterial infections. Over-prescribing and the unnecessary use of antibiotics can increase the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Livestock producers have a responsibility to protect human and animal health by using antibiotics responsibly in order to minimise the risk of antibiotic resistance (AMR).

11 April 2019

Meat processor Trevor Bellis and Cumbrian farmer Colin Bateman are the newest board members for AHDB Beef & Lamb

9 April 2020

Features, articles and industry news about the meat trade

11 April 2019

A guide that looks at various cereals for livestock feed

13 November 2020

Specifically designed for beef and sheep enterprises, this cash flow spreadsheet will help you quickly see when money is coming into and out of your business and where it’s coming from and going to. This will allow you to identify any future financial peaks and troughs and what costs you will have to cover at any given time.

7 August 2020

Physical information should recorded to paint an accurate picture of the current business position. This will help with many on-farm management decisions, from genetic to feeding choices. Capturing data does not have to be difficult- use this simple record sheet to record physical information about your herd. This data can then be used to benchmark key performance indicators (KPIs).

31 October 2019

Postnatal checks for the cow to help establish successful subsequent calving
