Training your team for business success: Webinar

Past Event

15 July 2019

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

In this webinar we'll look at the reasons why training and development doesn't happen and how to solve that. We'll explore the benefits of developing your team, and putting this into practice using a Skills Matrix - hearing a farmer's experience and the positive impact it's had for his business.

Our panellists

Jamie Butler, farmer / business owner

Jamie is owner of H.N. Butler Farms Ltd. and Meon Springs, in partnership with brother. This is a diversified dairy and arable farm in Hampshire with around 400 cows and 1000 acres of land. The dairy team is six people strong and Jamie’s aim is to safely get maximum responsibility at the front line by a combination of team development and delegating control. He was previously, General Manager of MDS Ltd. (A recruitment and training company in the Fresh Produce Sector) and has done extensive CPD and training in leadership skills and coaching.

Izak van Heerden, Knowledge Exchange Senior Manager at AHDB Dairy

Izak is responsible for the management and strategic direction of three teams. A national field-based team of Knowledge Exchange Managers engaging with AYR calving farmers; a national field-based team of Knowledge Exchange Managers engaging with DairyLeaders (large and progressive dairy farmers) across production systems and an office based team of Knowledge Transfer Managers developing resources and publications. He also works with DairyLeader farmers and their staff throughout the Southern half of England and was responsible for setting up and leading on the Strategic Dairy Farm Programme.



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